About Acaria

What does Acaria mean?
• A happy, versatile, and expressive nature, with good business judgement and a fine sense of responsibility, an ability to establish congenial relationships in positions of trust where you are dealing with the public.
• A clever, quick mind, with the ability to accomplish a great deal in a short period of time.
• It also brings out your love of home and family, and in close association you are able to show understanding and affection.
• Others are attracted by your generosity and your consideration of their interests.
Our Founder and CEO, Annette Andrews, spent a long time thinking about a name for the company – looking for inspiration in everything around her, but nothing resonated. It was while thinking about a brand that ‘Acaria’ came up as one possible option. Initially it felt like it worked for her as the first 3 letters are her initials, so it felt personal; once she had looked into the meaning of the word, it all just clicked into place.

Meet our founder
An experienced former Chief People Officer, with deep knowledge and expertise across a broad range of areas in Human Resources; supporting Consultancy, interim projects and roles in this field. Annette is a qualified Executive & Life Coach, a Mediator, Mentor, Facilitator and Speaker.
She has worked at all levels within organisations; including with CEO’s, Boards, Executive Committees and senior leaders, on a global basis for 20+ years. Her career has spanned different sectors and includes Ford Motor Company, Lloyds Banking Group and the Lloyd’s Insurance Market; all regulated businesses.
She is also an experienced Executive and Non Executive member of Remuneration and Nomination committees; taking an advisory role to Boards and Executive Committees.
She also has an MBA, a Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching for Behavioural Change and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel
Development (CIPD).
Behaviour change: how can employers attract the best from the most diverse pool
Purpose, CSR and ESG in the Post Pandemic World
Annette Andrews – The GC People Leader Series – YouTube
Annette Andrews – How to Design your Flexible Working-HD
Cultural Change in Financial Services
Insurance Covid Cast: Reinvigorating the workforce
Performance Coaching Podcast
Mediation: Much to gain and little to lose
The role of ACAS
What we do best
We have grown the business and now work with a team of specialist associates and partners to meet our client’s needs,
providing the following services :